Dallas, TX
6616 Spring Valley RoadDallas, TX 75254
Please have the item listing number on hand when you call. This artwork's listing number is: 12191
This beautifully painted full length portrait was most likely commissioned by a young gentleman who wanted a memento of his travels while taking "The Tour," a right of passage for many a young gentleman at the time. The landscape feels Italianate and the young man appears to be showing an attitude of nonchalance as he stands at ease with his coat, hat, and walking stick thrown over a rock to his right. He is proving his long journey by the dust caked on the front of his shoes and the distant valley and mountainous terrain that extends far beyond to his left.
Auguste Flandrin is the brother of the painters Paul and Hippolyte Flandrin. He was based in Lyon and exhibited in both the Lyon and Paris Salons. There are two of his drawings in the collection of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. Although there is not much known about René, he was respected enough as a painter by his peers to warrant a posthumous tribute exhibition of his work in the Paris Salon of 1843.
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