Dallas, TX
6616 Spring Valley RoadDallas, TX 75254
Please have the item listing number on hand when you call. This artwork's listing number is: 12144
Umphalos, the title of this series of drawings, is the navel of the earth, or belly button. All the drawings in this series focus on this area of the body.
Ellen Soderquist Artist’s StatementSince 1979 I have been a studio artist, a teacher of life drawing and an advocate forthe nude in contemporary art. As an artist, l create intelligent and sensuous graphitedrawings of the human body. The nude has been a constant in my work since 1963; it ismy art form; and drawing is the primary technique for my expression of ideas. As ateacher of life drawing, l advocate that my students learn the role of the nude in thehistory of art and that they communicate their ideas about humanity through their work.As a lecturer and an author, I bring the complex relevance of the unclothed human bodyto the consciousness of contemporary culture.In my freshman drawing class at SMU, we were taught life drawing as a discipline;however, l was aware that the nude meant much more than that to me. As I laid downthe stick of charcoal after making my first gesture drawing of a nude model, I washooked. There was, in the flurry of charcoal on the surface of the newsprint, Somebody looking back at me. After l discovered Kenneth Clark’s book, "The Nude: A Search forIdeal Form," in which he stated that the nude is “not the subject of art, but a form of art” Iworked for decades to develop a technique that begins with a mass or scribble gesturedrawing that moves through abstracted forms to a tangible essence of humanity. Innumerous series of artwork, l have pursued a conceptual itinerary that spans the gamutof human emotions and relationships and l have explored contemporary attitudes aboutthe nude as well as those of other cultures throughout the history of art.Recently a reviewer described my drawings as “highly developed…elegant andprovocative." I strive to create an individual who is present for the viewer.
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