Venice, LA

Listing No: 11475

Other Images

  • EKOMB-22032 venice sig.jpg
  • EKOMB-22032 venice verso.JPG

My Rooms

Offered By

Valley House Gallery

Dallas, TX

Valley House Gallery

6616 Spring Valley Road

Dallas, TX 75254

[email protected]

Please have the item listing number on hand when you call. This artwork's listing number is: 11475

Artwork Info

FAE Listing No:
Bill Komodore (1932-2012)
Venice, LA
Date of Work:
"Komodore" at lower left
Where Produced:
Dallas, TX, USA

Artwork Medium

Sub Type:
on Canvas
Medium Notes:
Linen canvas

Artwork Size & Weight

9 x 12 in.

Artwork Condition

Very good condition. No cracking or paint loss evident.

Artwork Provenance

This painting comes directly from the Bill Komodore estate.

About this Piece

The following description of this painting was written by Shannon Komodore, the artist’s widow. In the email that accompanied the description, Shannon wrote the following, “…if you were to ask Bill, he'd tell you this stuff, but he'd also say that all of his paintings are really about paint more than anything else.”

Burnt Whale and Venice, LA – These two paintings refer to challenges our oceans and the creatures that inhabit them face and the growing pressures upon them in our shrinking world. As an undergraduate, Komodore studied biology at Tulane with a specialty in ichthyology. It was his work as an illustrator of the fishes of Lake Pontchartrain that opened his senses to the joy of drawing and led him to study art. He maintained a life-long interest in fish and other forms of marine life. SK

About the Artist

Bill Komodore

Bill Komodore was born in Athens, Greece in 1932, and moved to the United States and received his formal education at Tulane University, where his professors included George Rickey, Mark Rothko, and David Smith. He earned his B.A. in 1955, and M.F.A. in 1957. Mr. Komodore was known for his figurative works, playing with both the mythical idea of Arcadia as a place of creative perception and with the experience of being a native of the actual Arcadia, Greece, which he describes as “the bucolic land of sheperds, beautiful nymphs, and satyrs.” He showed with Gerald Peters in Dallas, and at Decorazon Gallery. His work is represented in numerous public and private collections, including the Whitney Museum of American Art; The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.; Walker Art Center; Dallas Museum of Art; and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

Excerpt from by Bill Davenport

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